7 Things to Consider When Constructing a House

7 Things to Consider When Constructing a House

Every person wants to have their own home. So, are you also someone who is planning to build a new house very soon? As easy as it may seem, but turning your most-awaited home into a reality can get somewhat tricky if not done systematically.

In fact, there are several factors worth considering before you finally start constructing a house and do everything to make it your perfect living space. Moreover, you need to take care of each and every aspect that goes into the design, placement and privacy of your residence.

Factors to consider when building a new house

Usually, we build a house only once in our lifetime. And therefore it’s important to plan everything well and consider the factors that can make or shatter the dream of building a beautiful and sustainable house.  

If you are planning to build a home of your dreams any time soon, then consider these factors as it will help you avoid any pitfalls while constructing your house. Considering these factors can also help you eliminate any guesswork and complete the construction in your budget.

Prioritize your individual requirements

What do you want your home to appear like? Ponder over the decor, the layout and the embellishment pertaining to each and every part of your house.

Besides, focus on the essentials that your house will consist of aside from getting some fresh ideas that you wish to implement for your favourite abode. Also, pay attention to its size as per the length of your family.

It would even be better if you can communicate your ideas with a professional like an architect etc. in order to share your thoughts and intentions with that person. Subsequently,  he or she can revamp your ideas a bit and coin some more effective hacks that would help enhance both the aesthetic as well as the price value of your dwelling.

Take your budget into consideration

No matter what you spend on, it must remain within the limitations of your budget. In this case, your home-making project cannot be an exception. So, make sure that you plan a proper budget in advance and stick to it as hard as possible.

Always remember, that while building your home, you will have to spend quite a bit of money from time to time. Devising a financial strategy wisely would not only save you from overpaying but also let you avoid unnecessary costs.

In this process, try and reap the maximum benefits of each of the spaces you’ve built. After all, you’ve shelled out your hard-earned money to make such a lovely residence. Say, for example, you can utilize your kitchen space by creating an open kitchen and dining space together over there.

Besides, you can also convert your hallway into your study area if need be. This way, you can surely make the most of the budget you’ve framed while constructing the house of your dream.

Focus on the Home Automation and Utilities

Using automated devices and getting the lighting of your Kolkata house proper is the key to reinforcing your property’s aesthetic appeal and utility. So, make sure that you install premium lights to get every part of your abode well-illuminated.

The fact is, each of the spaces of your house will appear outright stupendous once the desired kind of lighting has been incorporated there. Besides, the components that are kept inside these areas will also look way more fascinating and visually attractive than before.

Coming to the usage of smart tools must be one of your imperative considerations when building a home. Instances include getting automated heating and cooling systems, window coverings, lighting and alarm systems and so on and so forth.

Using such modern-day devices for your home means you’re trying to stay abreast of the changing technological advancements from time to time. The greatest advantage is that you are able to manage your house remotely even while you are away.

Reflect upon the materials you purchase

Even before the construction of your new home begins, you may wonder what the materials you would need indispensable for it are. Doing so is quite important as you must shell out for these things by keeping a particular budget in mind.

Again, don’t invest in alternate and cheaper home-building materials like bricks, cement, steel etc just to save a little bit of money. So, choose only the top-quality building materials needed to construct your home that too in the right amount.

While the cost of constructing a house in India can range between Rs. 1300 to 1700 per sq ft using standard quality materials, if you are looking for premium quality finish, then you may have to allocate a higher home construction budget.

Also, you can decorate and furnish your home as and when needed. However, you can’t really change the structure of the house. Hence, it is important to not compromise on the quality and grade of cement, steel, sand, aggregate, tiles and marble, electrical wire and switches, plumbing pipes and fittings.

On the contrary, if you order materials more than is needed, it will not only lead to wastage but will also impact your budget negatively. That’s why, it would be wise if you can buy your construction materials from a renowned company as they sell good-quality products at affordable price options.

Go for a functional floor plan

Building a house is not just about building a space to live. You need to do a lot of planning ahead in terms of positioning the different areas of your home according to your varying requirements and design preferences.

Like, you can divide your dwelling into portions according to the purposes they serve. Using your kids’ play areas or bedrooms, the dining area or maybe the recreational spaces at night would be a great idea.

Similarly, you can optimize the bathrooms, guest bedrooms, study area, kitchen, living room and dining space of your home during the day. However, make sure that these areas are away from the attached baths, master bedrooms and walk-in closets of your house to make the most of them.

Besides, consider building your dining and living areas towards the south or may be southwest in your residence.

Ensure proper lighting and ventilation

Since we tend to spend most of our time in these rooms, we need the maximum amount of lighting there. And needless to say, both south and southwest are the most sunlight-friendly positions so far.

Subsequently, install large-sized windows for these areas of your house so that they seem well-lit-up and bright all through the day. Most importantly, pay attention to making amusement zones and a home-gym if possible within or outside your home.

Last but not the least, there should be a few fun spots as well where you can get along with your family to stay connected and close to each other.

Work with professional architect and building contractor

No amount of planning can substitute the importance of a professional architect near you. They have the expertise to help you through the planning and construction of your house. Similarly, it is equally important to choose the well placed and experienced team of building contractors while constructing a house.

While the architect helps you with functional and efficient floor planning, 3D house designs, structural and working drawings, the building contractors can help construct the house. The building contractors will be responsible to take care of all the civil as well as plumbing, electrical and other finishing works like putty and painting.

Constructing your dream home is now a cakewalk!

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and daunted when you think of building your dream home.

You may find it hard to make easy decisions like which brands of materials to choose for waterproofing or painting a house. Which cement will work well for slab casting? Luckily, with adequate planning and a bit of help from professionals like architects and construction contractors, you can easily figure it out.

However, executing the tips and tricks mentioned above would definitely let you build your most-awaited house easily and effortlessly.


What to watch out for when building a house?

When constructing a house, just watch out to ensure the construction is happening as per architectural specification. The construction should progress as per the specification, budget and the timeline.

How much money is needed to build a house in India?

The amount of money needed to build a house in India may depend on the size of the house and build quality. Assuming the build area of 1000 sq ft, with standard quality material and finish, you may have to spend around Rs. 1500000 to Rs. 1700000.

What should I know before building a new house?

First of all you need to make a budget for the civil work and soft furnishing and then accordingly make the construction plan. Once you have the budget, and know the size of the house i.e. the total build area, then you can plan the rest of the steps much efficiently.