Best Tips for Buying Used Furniture for Home or Office

Best Tips for Buying Used Furniture for Home or Office

When used strategically, the furniture can transform the look and boost the efficiency of any space. It’s one of those elements that bring every element together.  And thus, helps you live or work more efficiently and comfortably. While designing a home or office, the best bet is to get the custom made furniture as per your requirement. However, purchasing used or second hand home or office furniture is the second best option that can be considered. One of the key benefits of buying used furniture is that it’s available at cheaper rates and thus helps save money. Secondly, the furniture can easily be refinished as per the interior theme of the space.

However, wrongly chosen furniture can ruin the efficiency and aesthetics of any space. Unfortunately, once purchased, you can’t really replace the furniture without using it for a few years. And therefore, it is seriously important to be very careful while selecting used furniture for purchasing.

If you are considering buying used home or office furniture then I have got you covered. Today in this post I am sharing a few of the best tips for buying used furniture that will help you get the most of your furniture purchase.

Tips for buying used home or office furniture

Whether it’s your home or office, the furniture will occupy the most of the available space. While decorating your space, every piece of furniture can be custom made as per use and space layout. However, when you are buying used and second hand furniture for home or office, you have to be very careful. If you end up picking the furniture randomly without considering the other aspects of it, you may regret your decision.

You may like to consider these tips to avoid any mistake while buying used furniture, and to maximize the value of your purchase.

Measure the space

As you have decided to buy second hand furniture, it’s important for you to measure your home, office or the space where the furniture will be placed. For instance, if you are buying a desk for your office cabin, then check the layout and availability of space. This will help you choose the right size furniture that will go well and does not obstruct your movement.

Similarly if you are buying for your living room, make sure to check the layout and the size.

This may seem like a no-brainer. But, we often ignore this simple step and assume that the furniture will fit the space well. As they say, it’s better to be safe than sorry. The furniture should not restrict the movement or compromise efficiency, and therefore measuring the space is the first step of buying used furniture.

Buy from individuals

If you are planning to buy second hand furniture, you can buy from the second hand furniture shops near you. Or, you can buy used furniture from individuals moving out of town or just upgrading or downsizing their home or office. Although there may be advantages and disadvantages of both, buying from individuals can help save money. Families who are relocating or upgrading or downsizing their homes want to sell it off desperately and therefore can offer better rates than a used furniture shop.

Choose right size furniture

While buying used furniture for your home or office, you must consider its size and dimension. Buying bigger or too smaller furniture can ruin both aesthetics and functionality of the space. So, it’ll be wise to measure the space where you plan to keep the furniture. If the piece of furniture fits well and serves the purpose, then it’s a good match. Otherwise, look for another piece. The furniture should not be too big or too small. Otherwise, it may compromise the usability and functionality of the space.

Design and style

Although there is no right or wrong design and style, the furniture should go well with the space. Design may be an individual choice. But still, you should not compromise with the basic look and feel of the space. So, irrespective of whether you are buying second hand furniture for your home or office, opt for one that goes well with the overall design of your space. The furniture should bring everything together and there it must complement the existing design theme. Ideally, you should buy the furniture after planning everything well in advance. However, if you are buying the furniture first and then you plan to design the space, then think well and then take a call.

Mix and match

If you are purchasing second hand furniture from individuals, then you may end up buying from different individuals and families. Obviously, there will be different designs and styles at offer and you may wonder how to get it right. But mix and match furniture style is gaining popularity these days and works really well. So think creatively and ensure that design and style of the furniture will go well with the space.

Try it out before buying

There is no doubt that the internet has changed the way we buy and sell stuff for our homes. From clothes, books, foods and groceries to furniture, we purchase it all online. However, when you are buying used furniture, you should consider trying it out. I understand it may not be possible every time. But when possible, you must try it out, inspect and check everything before doing the deal. After all, you don’t want to end up paying more for the furniture that may require immediate fixing and repairing. And if you buy such a piece, then you must know about it before buying.

Refurbishing costs

We often forget the additional expenses like refurbishing or restoration costs while buying second hand furniture. However, these expenses can be really high and therefore you must consider it before choosing and buying the used furniture. One of the easiest ways to find out the refurbishing costs and expenses is to take the photograph, share with a handyman or the technician you already know and get some idea of the costs. Now that you know the refurbishing costs, you can make more sensible decisions, especially on purchase price.

Upholstery and refinish

I have seen people leave a good deal because of the bad upholstery, scratches and minor damages. Remember, if you are getting the right furniture at throw away price, it may be a good decision to consider. You can buy it cheap, and get it refinished to make it look like new. For instance if you like a pair of classic metal outdoor chairs that require refinishing, then you should consider buying it. Especially, if you are getting it at a much cheaper rates.

Consider safety

When you want to purchase second hand furniture for your office or home then you must consider the safety. For instance, if there are kids at home, you must avoid furniture with sharp edges. However, if you like something and it has a sharp edge, then consider applying edge softener that hides the edges. So all I am trying to say is whatever you decide, you must consider safety and it must be a conscious decision.

Concluding – tips for buying used furniture

Right size and type of furniture can transform any space. It also makes living and working much more comfortable and enjoyable. You should be a little careful while purchasing second hand furniture. Because buying used furniture requires proper planning, including the costs of refurbishing and upgrading the upholstery etc. There are so many things to consider. I have already shared a few of the best tips and hacks that can help you get the most value out of your home or office furniture shopping. You may like to try these hacks and let me know how it helped you in buying used furniture.

What else do you think one should consider at the time of buying used home or office furniture? Share your tricks and hacks by commenting below.